
Thanks to our solutions, protecting your business from fraud has never been easier.

Fraud is a growing problem. More and more companies are affected, regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate. However, there are solutions to limit the risk of fraud, as well as the financial and reputational consequences associated with it. And that can save your business a lot of time and money.

Fraud, a growing problem

Your company could also be a victim

The number of cases of criminal fraud continues to increase every year. Criminal organisations are lurking to scam companies. However, there are sufficient means to expose suspicious companies at an early stage. How?

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Graydon Network incl. XSeptions

To really know for sure what kind of company you are doing business with, look beyond the numbers of an individual company. Do you know what the underlying network of directors and companies looks like? What unusual behaviors are occurring? It is a time consuming and complex process to fully map the tangle behind the company you do (or want to do) business with. Let alone also have an eye for the irregularities in that spider web.

With Graydon Network incl. XSeptions, you no longer have to manually examine each company in the network individually in order to map out the group structure and any deviations. This solution offers you an absolutely stunning visual overview of the total network of directors and companies connected to your business relationship. It also screens connections in the first and second degrees for several dozens of remarkable situations (XSeptions). These event and behaviour-driven alerts often reflect risk and fraudulent behavior, but also provide opportunities that arise within a web of companies.

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Graydon Network incl. XSeptions

Graydon Detect

Combatting fraud is one of the toughest challenges faced by organisations today. Estimated to have cost UK businesses a staggering £125bn in 2017 (up 43% since 2008), fraud can only be prevented by building bigger walls and deploying ever more sophisticated intelligence capabilities. Graydon Detect provides the highest possible fraud firewall by delivering an online fraud and financial crime detection solution, powered by the UK’s first and only B2B anti-fraud consortium.

Combining the UK's first and only B2B fraud prevention consortium, with the predictive capabilities of Graydon’s data, Graydon Detect exposes, prevents and combats fraud by providing consortium members with accurate, real-time, insights. What’s more, it draws upon Graydon’s deep domain expertise in high-risk industry sectors including financial services, insurance, IT, petroleum and construction.

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What will Graydon Detect do for you?

  • Speed up reactions to new and emerging fraud threats.
  • Detect fraud earlier and with greater accuracy.
  • Provide deeper insights and granular detail than any stand-alone fraud detection methodology.
  • Reduce false positives through machine-learning.
  • Eradicate any operational weaknesses created by ‘siloed’ approaches.
  • Combine the data sources from existing or new suppliers that you require.
  • Operate time and team efficiencies that were previously unattainable.

Tailored Solutions

No Graydon model for combating fraud is exactly the same. Companies involved in fraud nevertheless display well-defined symptoms that keep recurring. These standard signals form the starting point for each model, which indicates the likelihood of fraud and which elements make a specific party suspect. Without fine-tuning, the prediction rate of the standard fraud model is between 50 and 70%. By linking your internal data and known fraud cases, the prediction rate will increase further.

In practice, this means that your employees will more easily recognise fraudulent cases, because the algorithms work faster and take more elements into account. This frees up more time to investigate any borderline cases more thoroughly.

We usually work with you to create a model completely tailored to your company. In other cases, we work together with a federation that acts as a neutral party and provides information to further feed the model, fine-tune it and improve signals.

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Graydon Business Risk

Fraud and financial crime costs the global economy an estimated £3.2 trillion per year. In the UK alone, the cost to businesses is £190 billion every year. To stop fraud, the UK’s innovators in financial crime and risk prevention have come together with a solution.

Developed for credit risk, compliance, fraud prevention or procurement teams, Business Risk is a unique compliance tool for tackling fraud and financial crime, combining - for the first time in the market - credit decision scoring, fraud indicators and Politically Exposed Person (PEPs) and Sanctions checks, alongside easy access to the largest database of fraud risk in the country, so you know exactly who you are dealing with.

What you get:

  • Integrated Cifas membership to share and access the 1.8M cases, indicated as high risk of fraud, filed on the National Fraud Database NFD
  • Matched with Graydon company data and alerts
  • Supplemented with Graydon Business Risk exclusive consortium data - not available anywhere else
  • PEPs, Sanctions and Negative media check against each business and directors
  • Powered by TruNarrative’s AI driven platform
  • Specifically designed for everyone involved in fighting corporate fraud & financial crime

Graydon Forensic Investigations

Are you seeking more information than a credit report or other online database can provide? Graydon Forensic Investigations, powered by Neotas, unearths key insights from open source information, giving you the full picture: an AI-driven intelligence report, coupled with experienced analysis into the risks of engaging with a firm or the directors behind it. All delivered up to 15-times faster than an equivalent human-led approach.

By using technology to look more closely you will make better commercial decisions, knowing that you have all of the relevant information, not just the 4% of data available via search engines!

Our investigations are the ideal solution for organisations in high-risk sectors susceptible to fraud, such as: credit insurance, invoice financing, IT, Manufacturing and distribution, construction, energy and regulated industries.

Success Stories
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  • Vekoma

    "The payment risk is the most important factor for us."
    Peter van Bilsen
    Division Manager Sales and Marketing, Vekoma Rides Manufacturing
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    Vekoma Graydon success story international Business