
Analytics & Scores

Indispensable insights to set out a firm strategy for your business.

Data alone doesn’t get you anywhere. It is the insights you derive from analytics that make the strategic difference. Insights in the form of scores and prediction models help companies to work more efficiently and build a better future.

More than 130 years of insights

Innovative and relevant

Graydon has been providing innovative insights to companies in the most diverse sectors for more than 130 years. The relevant financial, economic and commercial information provides organisations with guidance to make the right strategic decisions. In our knowledge center you will find numerous publications about our analyses and scores.

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Analytics & Scores


Today there is no alternative path. The use of data is essential to be able to work efficiently and to make the right decisions. Large amounts of information provide valuable insights. Yet many companies do not have the right resources to convert their data into interesting insights. A shame, because correct analysis of the data can help your company grow profitably.

Data analysis provides you with insights that help you achieve your goals. You will gain insight into your current market, potential markets, your customers, customer behaviour and deviating patterns. Because of course you don't want general analyses. You want analyses and insights that are specific to your company and your market.

Our data scientists use the right tools to find a balance between an abundance of unstructured data on the one hand and valuable insights on the other. They specialise in the processing and visualisation of data. Based on what is available, they make tailor-made analyses to tackle problems in a targeted manner. Or at least to provide insight into the lagging results. With that insight they can then work on a concrete solution.


After all, in the world of business information it is no longer just about credit reports and determining creditworthiness. It's not science fiction, but more data, better technology and refined algorithms make it possible today to predict anything. More and more companies and government agencies believe in modern prediction models, which should ultimately benefit our economy.

Our scores have been comprehensively tested in reality. They always refer to ‘the chance that...’. The rest is up to you. The prediction models provide users with guidance. They identify companies with "a higher probability of" and that enables companies to switch much faster and be more focused.